
For many years, committed prayer partners have followed a simple plan to regularly pray for missionaries. Each intercessors across our organization fellowship focus their prayers for our missionaries worldwide.
Missionaries depend on the faithful petition of fellow believers in their homeland. As an intercessor, you are a co-laborer with them in the worldwide harvest field. When we give ourselves to intercessory prayer we join God in doing battle against principalities and powers, rulers of this world's darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places ( Eph. 6:12 ). The evil forces arrayed against us utilize many disguises, sometimes even masquerading as angels of light ( 2 Cor. 11:14). Some of their more effective strategies include the clever manipulation of words. Our goals is to fight poverty from inside & out worldwide through the love of Jesus Christ our redeemer. Thank You for being a vital part of Missions Worldwide and HAITI RESCUE UNITED SOCIETY MISSIONS INT.

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